3 types of fall safety systems

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2025 | Workplace Accidents

Workers often use fall safety systems to protect themselves. For those who work on ladders, scaffolding or roofs, a fall safety system is one of the most important pieces of PPE they can have. It is critical that employers provide their workers with the right tools to perform their jobs safely.

The exact design of a fall safety system depends on the nature of the job. There are three general types commonly used, as outlined below:

1. Travel restraint

Some workers use a travel restraint system that keeps them from reaching dangerous locations. For example, someone working on a roof might have a tether short enough to prevent them from reaching the edge. This system makes it practically impossible for the worker to accidentally fall off the building.

2. Fall prevention

There are also passive systems designed to make falling virtually impossible. For instance, workers on scaffolding are required to have a safety rail around them. The rail is high enough to prevent falls. Workers may also be tethered, but the rail itself serves as the primary safety barrier.

3. Fall arrest

Finally, fall arrest systems are used when it is impossible to entirely prevent a fall. While a fall may occur, the worker is connected to a system that arrests their fall before they hit the ground. These systems don’t prevent falls but significantly reduce the risk of serious or fatal injuries.

These systems can all be helpful, but workers can still be injured when the correct safety equipment is not used or does not function as intended. Workers who have been hurt on the job need to know how to seek workers’ compensation benefits.

