Workers’ Compensation Process In California

Helping You Get The Benefits You Deserve

Most workers are entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits when they are injured in a workplace accident. Benefits can include medical costs, transportation to and from your doctor and two-thirds of your weekly income for the time you are unable to work. In rare cases, claimants can receive Vocational Rehabilitation/Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits (SJDB).

However, in many ways, the system is stacked in favor of employers and workers’ compensation insurance companies. In addition, California workers’ compensation laws and procedures are complex, so without a lawyer on your side, you may not get the benefits you are entitled to receive.

Workers’ Compensation Attorney Serving Mendocino County And Lake County

At Fowler & Ball, we provide comprehensive services and representation for injured workers in workers’ compensation matters. Attorney Robert Fowler has a thorough familiarity with the workers’ compensation system, its procedures and how to help injured workers get all of the benefits they deserve. Our law firm has helped thousands of clients obtain workers’ compensation benefits — and we want to help you.

Assistance At All Stages Of The Process

Our law firm can provide you with advice, services and if needed, representation before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board or in a subsequent appeal. We can assist you in these and other matters:

Temporary disability If you are receiving temporary disability benefits, we can review the amount to make sure you are being paid the correct compensation rate based on your earnings.

Medical care We have the knowledge and experience to advise our clients in getting the medical care they need.

Denied or terminated benefits In a free consultation, we can review your case and explain your legal options. If you have been unfairly denied benefits or have been terminated, we can undertake a workers’ comp appeal to protect your rights.

Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) If you suffer an impairment that prevents you from resuming your work duties, a qualified medical examiner (QME) must examine you. We can help you choose an examiner who will conduct a fair and objective evaluation of your impairment so that you can get the permanent disability benefits you are entitled to. Some cases require a panel QME, which increases the complexity of the proceedings. Our attorneys

Before attending a QME exam you should make notes for yourself, so you don’t forget any important facts or symptoms as well as note things that you are not able to do now that you were able to do prior to the injury. Call for a free consultation before selecting a QME doctor from a three-panel list.

Lump-sum settlements At some point during your claim, the workers’ compensation insurance company may offer you a lump-sum settlement. Your acceptance of this settlement will terminate the insurer’s obligations. In some cases, it is advantageous for a claimant to accept a settlement, while others are better off keeping their claims open and continuing to receive benefits. Robert Fowler can advise you.

Learn More About Injured Workers’ Rights And The Workers’ Compensation Process

Ukiah attorney Robert Fowler can review your case in a free consultation at (707) 621-8533. Contact our firm today.