Working in dangerous extreme heat conditions

On Behalf of | Sep 25, 2023 | Workers' Compensation

Throughout the year, even during seasons that have cool weather elsewhere in the country, California’s weather can spike significantly, and the dramatic increase in temperature might be utterly unexpected. These extreme temperatures create dangers to workers who are exposed to them like construction workers, landscapers and warehouse employees. Employers could make things much safer for everyone if they follow established recommendations for helping workers stay safe.

The dangers of extreme heat

Whether working inside or outside in extreme heat, having access to a steady supply of water is essential to avoid dehydration. Dehydration can cause dizziness and may even lead someone to pass out. Passing out presents dangers as the person may hurt themselves when landing on the ground. Drinking an adequate amount of water could mitigate some problems but not all.

Exposure to extreme heat can damage the body’s organs. When someone does suffer harm on the job, filing a workers’ compensation claim may be necessary. Dealing with scorching heat involves several steps.

Keeping workers cool

Workers should receive an adequate number of breaks that consider the high temperatures. Similarly, management could step in when workers avoid taking breaks and risk their health.

Workers should wear clothing appropriate to the temperature conditions. Also, setting air conditioners to cool an interior to safe levels may help. When working outside, exterior fans might reduce the potential for danger, and employers can set up cooling stations where employees can get out of the heat for a while.

Workers recovering from work-related injuries may receive necessary financial support through workers’ compensation. Workers’ comp may also provide disability or even death benefits. It is crucial to follow all necessary steps when applying for workers’ compensation to minimize the risk of denial. Still, appeals are possible with denied claims.

